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Infrastructure In Patna

Infrastructure In Patna

Sharma and Sharma is a highly recommended and famous law firm in India and deals in every kind of law service. We are known in the market as the best Infrastructure Law Firm in Patna. We handle all the legal cases of small or big infrastructure companies, multinational institutions, etc. We offer the best legal solution for projects such as Airports, Highways, constructions, Railway and various Infrastructure companies, etc.

Offer best legal services

Our Best Infrastructure Lawyers in Patna regularly advise and represent governments, contractors in a different matter such as consortium arrangements, bids, EPC contacts, tender documentation, etc. Our experienced lawyers combine their best knowledge and practice to offer the best results to clients. Whether you are a large or small infrastructure company looking for any kind of legal help, our team of professionals give you the best piece of advice. 

Unique and best approach

Our unique approach of solving the clients’ case is practical, effective and direct. Our team is dedicated to resolving any infrastructure industry legal issues. Their best experience and litigation practices in Patna have helped us and make us the leading player in the legal profession.

Archana Sinha, Bihar, Patna

  • 20 years+ Years Experience
  • Speaks: English hindi
  • Patna high court and lower court
Criminal Case Lawyer Divorce Case Lawyer Personal Lawyer Domestic Violence Case Lawyer Corporate Lawyer Litigation Lawyer Bail Lawyer Cheque Bounce Case Lawyer Civil Case Lawyer Marriage Counsellor Matrimonial Case Lawyer Electricity Matter Lawyer Debt Recovery Consumer Law and Dispute Resolution Law Firm Media and Entertainment Laws Court Marriage Lawyer Criminal Case Lawyer
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Bihar, Patna
INR 2500/- per hour
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